Chicken & Proscuitto Involtini

What is Involtini?

In Italian cuisine, Involtini is a platter filled with rolled meats or pastry.

So of course we had to kick it into BEASTMODE!


What you need?

How to Make it:

  1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat
  2. Combine oil and seasoning in a bowl and set to the side
  3. Rinse and pat dry chicken, and pound it thin by placing the chicken in between two sheets of plastic wrap. Using a mallet or a sturdy frying pan pound the chicken to about 1/8" thick
  4. Season breasts with salt & pepper (or Beast Prep).
  5. Place one slice of prosciutto and one pepper slice on each pounded breast
  6. Sprinkle with the cheese of your choice and roll up the chicken from the bottom and use a toothpick to keep its shape (you could put them all on a skewer if you don't have toothpicks on hand)
  7. Grill slowly over medium heat for 6-8 minutes on each side.
  8. While its grilling, grab that sauce you made and brush each side a few times.
  9. Serve hot or cold, Serve whole or slice them to be fancy.