House of Saucery Mystery Box

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  • Regular price $50.00
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If you haven't had a chance to visit our retail location in the Hudson Valley, then you aren't aware of the ENORMOUS hot sauce collection we have.

Our current count is 200 plus different sauces from 50 plus small batch craft hot sauce makers.

Our inventory is constantly expanding and to be honest I am having a blast. 


Now you can get a taste of what we have going on here with our 4 pack Mystery Box


It's simple. You order the box. We randomly pick 4 sauces from our shelves. It is a true Hot Sauce Roulette !!!!

You do have a choice of what style sauces you will receive. Just click the drop down menu and choose your flavor.

To see a list of all the Small Batch Brands we carry, check out our website by clicking picture below.